Thursday, February 19, 2009


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ab work out routine, check it out

Friday, January 30, 2009

How do you like to split up your strength training workouts?

5 Ways to Get Ripped Fast...What??

Getting Ripped Fast- 5 Ways to Get Ripped Fast

Author: Rory Wilkinson

So many people want to learn the secrets about getting ripped fast. The problem is that most people don’t know how to do it and most of the advice available is rubbish. This article will break down 5 tips for building muscle mass fast, safely and effectively. Furthermore these tips will help you reduce your time spent in the gym.

Ok, so what are the best ways for getting ripped fast?

1. Do no complete more than 10 reps per set. If you are completing more than this then you are not stimulating the muscle fibers enough for maximum muscle growth. Instead of doing more reps, increase the size of the weights. (not only will this cut down your workout time but it will also help you avoid the common bodybuilders plateau.

2. Decrease your workout time! This may sound strange but instead of spending hours in the gym, perform more work in a shorter period of time. Move away from your comfort zone and increase your intensity. This will allow you to build muscle quickly. You may start to feel a bit out of shape but this just means that you are working hard and your fitness level is increasing.

3. Just perform one workout per muscle group. Do no hammer away at a particular muscle but instead improve on your previous workout. The growth of your muscles occurs most when you are resting.

4. Do not complete more than 3-5 sets. Especially if you are skinny and looking to add muscle mass. If you are performing more reps than this, then you are not working at the right intensity.

5. Avoid boredom and bodybuilding plateau by increasing your strength and weights by at least 5% every 2 weeks. If you are not continually improving then your muscles will get used to the weights and not build up. By putting enough stress and strain on the muscles each workout, you are allowing for growth.

Ok, so there you have 5 great tips for getting ripped fast. Listen and apply the techniques and you will notice considerable improvement in your body in no time. Getting ripped fast is not as hard as some people want you to believe, but only if you have the right coach and you follow their proven plan.

About the Author:

Discover the Methods that have Helped over 20,000 People from 120 Different Countries Build Muscle Fast, Safely and Effectively. Champion Fitness Icon and Personal Trainer Reveals his Secrets for the First Time Ever. For more details visit

You can also read my popular article which Shows you How to Bulk Up Fast.

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Sit Ups Does it Take to Burn One Pound?

How Many Sit Ups Does it Take to Burn One Pound of Fat?

Author: Charles Inniss

So many people have the fitness goal to lose stomach fat, and in order to do that many people turn to sit ups. One important point is that you cannot spot reduce body fat. Spot reduction is the #1 Abdominal Exercise Myth.

Big marketing companies keep perpetuating the spot reduction myth because it is profitable, but the truth is that no matter how much you work a spot, you cannot specifically target the fat under your skin in a certain spot with exercises for the muscles in that spot.

Okay, let us get back to talking about how many sit ups you would have to do in order to burn one pound of fat. It is generally accepted that you have to burn 3500 calories from fat in order to lose 1 pound of fat, so just how many sit ups is that.

Well, if you did as many sit ups as you could in 1 minute you might be able to complete 50 reps if you are in really good shape. At that rate, you are probably around 10 calories burned in that 1 minute.

Now if you are not in good shape, you will probably only be able to do half as much (25 sit ups in a minute and burn around 5 calories per minute).

So if 50 sit ups is about 10 calories, then you would have to do 17,500 sit ups in order to burn 3500 calories. If you did 1000 sit up every day for 2 weeks you would only be at 14,000 sit ups.

Hopefully, you can see that using sit ups to burn fat might not be the most efficient workout strategy. Aerobic exercise, sports activities, or total body weight training are better choices for burning body fat.

Generally, travelling 1 mile by foot burns about 100 calories (walking or running 1 mile burns about 100 calories, but of course running takes less time).

With these numbers you would have to walk 35 miles to burn 3500 calories. If you walked 2.5 miles every day for 2 weeks, you would walk about 35 miles after two weeks.

So in order to burn 3500 calories of 2 weeks, you can do 1000 sit ups a day or walk or jog 2.5 miles a day.

I will venture to say that it is impossible for the average person to do 1000 sit ups in one day, but it is very possible for the average person to walk 2.5 miles (35-45 minutes a day).

To burn the same amount of calories in a typical candy bar (300) you would have to walk or run 3 miles or do 600 sit ups. If you want to lose inches on your waist I would skip the candy bar and go for an apple.

Losing weight is all about eating high quality foods and exercising regularly to burn excess calories. You can try to lose weight just by doing sit ups, but it is not the smartest or most efficient way to lose weight.

For the best weight loss results, take a comprehensive approach. Eat a nutritious diet, do aerobic exercise, and perform total body weight training.

About the Author:

Dr. Charles A. Inniss, Jr. is a physical therapist and personal trainer.

Click the link to his website for free weight loss and diet tips and more information on sit ups and ab exercises

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

When Is Best Time To Eat Protein?

When Is Best Time To Eat Protein For Building Muscles|Muscle Growth?

Author: Chris Chew

Every bodybuilder and fitness enthusiast knows that you must eat enough protein for muscle growth. Without the amino acids of protein, your muscles cannot grow no matter how hard and often you train your. Protein is the building block of muscles and there are no other nutrients to substitute protein for muscle growth.

It is recommended that if you want to grow and build muscle mass, the rule is to eat one gram of protein per pound of your body weight per day. That is a lot of protein which many people cannot get in their normal dietary meals and protein supplementation is often necessary. Without eating enough protein, all your muscle building training in the gym will be futile. Such a waste isn't it?

So when is the best time to eat protein to optimize muscle growth? How and which type of protein should you eat to get spectacular muscular growth?

•Eat protein first thing in the morning - After a good night's sleep, your body is in a catabolic state. That means your body is burning your muscle for energy since your glycogen store is low. So eat quickly digestible protein such as whey protein the first thing in the morning even before you brush your teeth to prevent your muscle wasting away or catabolism.

•Eat protein between your meals - To keep protein flowing in your bloodstream so as to feed your muscles continuously throughout the day, take casein protein in between your meals. Casein protein is slow to digest and as such will continuously release protein into your bloodstream to feed your muscles for many hours in between your meals. In this way, your muscles will be constantly receiving protein throughout the day.

•Protein before/after gym workout - It is a known fact that eating fast to digest protein such as whey protein before your workout will promote muscle growth as your muscles are being fed as you training to build muscles. Then take whey protein again after your workout along with some carbohydrates to repair your muscle cells after you have damaged them during your workout.

•Protein before bed - Since you will be going without food for many hours when you sleep and muscle building is at its optimum when you sleep, you must encourage your muscle to grow by eating casein protein before you sleep. As casein protein is slow to digest, it will continuously feed your muscles for as long as seven hours when you sleep and thus encouraging your muscles to build and grow.

So now that you know when is the best time to eat protein and to encourage building muscles, follow these tips and see your muscles growing like you have never seen before.

About the Author:

Chris Chew is a personal trainer of actors, pageant winners, models and other celebrities. See his websites for more articles. Transform Body In Weeks and Free Fitness Tips

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Powerful Arm Exercises

Big Strong Biceps - Build Triceps - Powerful Arm Exercises

Author: Chris Chew

In every gym that you go to, you will see people pumping their biceps. Biceps along with the pecs and abs are sometimes called vanity muscles because they are the most visible and therefore commands the most respect. Invariably, when you ask someone to show you his muscles, he will probably flex his biceps.

Before we discuss biceps development, I want to point out that the biceps make up only one third of your upper arm with triceps the other two-thirds. So to have an impressive arm, you must build your triceps too or the effort on your biceps will not show good results. Many people fail to realize this and that is why you see them doing curls after curls without much improvement. We will touch on triceps exercises in another article. For now, let's talk about biceps.

Here are some exercises that will blast your biceps. Most of you would have done some or all of these exercises. The question I am asking is, are the exercises done in the correct form and techniques because if they are not, you will most likely be wasting your time as your biceps will not grow to its full potential. Perform each exercise for 3-5 sets once or twice a week and at reps between 6-10, but make sure that at the high end of the reps, you will not be so fatigued that you can't perform another rep in good form.

Standing Barbell Curl/ EZY Bar

You can perform this exercise with either a straight bar or an ezy bar. This is a great mass building exercises for your biceps.

Stand with feet shoulder width apart and grasp the bar with an underhand grip, hands should also be about shoulder width apart. Curl the bar up slowly focusing intensely on the biceps contraction. Do not swing or use momentum to curl especially at the later stages when your biceps get weaker. Never swing or move your body, only your arms are moving. Keep your elbows locked to the side of your body and do not pivot them.

Then lower the weight, taking 3-4 seconds resisting the weight on the way down to emphasize the negative part of the exercise. Never let gravity pull the weights down.

At all times, do not curl or bend your wrist which must always be in a straight neutral position.

Incline Dumbbell Curls

This exercise will hit different fibre in your biceps and gives you the peak bicep look.

Sit back on an incline bench holding a dumbbell in each hand, keep your elbows well forward throughout the movement, curl the weight upward and toward the shoulder level. Then squeeze your biceps hard at the top position. Lower the weights again, slowly under full control. The speed and techniques are similar to what was described earlier.

Preacher Curl

Similar to barbell curl but using the preacher curl station. This is an excellent bicep peaking isolation exercise.

Hammer Curl

Hammer curl gives your biceps the full look and your forearms are also working hard.

Similar to incline dumbbell curl except you will be using the hammer grip on the dumbbell like holding a hammer knocking nails in and standing up instead of sitting down.

Build Biceps Tips

Focus on the movement of your biceps all throughout the motion. Don't lift weights that are too heavy that will compromise your form and techniques to show off.

By slightly turning and squeezing, you'll build more peak on your biceps. Like all exercises, pose and stretch the biceps between sets. This is to flush out lactic acid and help your biceps recover better for the next set.

Remember to change the order of the exercises you perform after every few weeks to shock your biceps into new growth.

About the Author:
Chris is a personal trainer of fashion models, male pageant winners, actors and other celebs. More free fitness tips in his websites.

Burn Fat Build Muscles Fast

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How to Build Chest Muscle

Big Pecs: How to Build Chest Muscle

Author: Scott Abbett

Aside from big arms, there's no desire among aspiring underweight muscle building enthusiasts that quite outdoes the longing for a big, well-developed chest. And why not; big pectorals command respect. They're somehow primitively associated with courage and assertiveness. When you have pectoral muscles that only slightly protrude beyond your abdominal section, you're considered to be "in shape". What's more, in a world of male competitiveness where one's height seems to unfairly monopolize the aura of dominating physical stature, powerful pectorals can be a great equalizer. They tell the world that regardless of the level your genetics had you lengthened, you're packaged physical prowess by choice. You exude strength and athleticism with well developed pectorals.

So what's the best method for developing a big chest? Well, that shouldn't be our only question. For if the pectorals aren't built in a balanced manner, excessive size can contribute to a feminizing effect on the male torso. Does anyone really want to develop "man boobs"? I didn't think so. Therefore, it's imperative that we make our pecs just a little bit top-heavy (upper pecs that protrude slightly more than the middle pecs) in our bid to increase chest size. An emphasis on making sure we are successful with incline exercises will ensure good upper pectoral development.

Notice I didn't recommend doing "a lot of incline exercises". Instead, I mentioned making sure you're 'successful' with your incline movements (this goes for all bodybuilding exercises). Although this might sound like a subtle play on words, it's really a vital issue for your muscle building progress. Overtraining is probably the biggest setback most natural bodybuilding enthusiasts unwittingly engage. Thus, you might need to add more incline bench movements to build bigger upper pecs, or you might need to lay off of those movements. It really depends on what you're currently doing. Just keep in mind that many times our enthusiasm to make progress on a particular body part leads us to inadvertently overwork that area - resulting in the exact opposite of our desired effect.

As a lifetime natural bodybuilder, nothing has done more for my pectoral development than taking emphasis off 'pressing movements' and putting it on 'flye movements'. The widespread notion that you "have to bench press" and "bench press heavy" has only been outdone in holding back pectoral growth by the practice of overtraining. Combine the two with the typical plights of the natural bodybuilder and you have a scenario in which pectoral growth is almost nonexistent for too many gym-goers. If heavy bench pressing were the key to a great chest, we'd see power-lifters epitomizing pectoral development. As it turns out, some of them have big pecs and some seem to have nearly none - despite the fact they can bench press heavy.

What if you could do heavy flyes? What if you could get on an incline bench and strictly move seventy-five pound dumbells from the top of the movement - slowly down to having your arms outstretched and the weights parallel with your head (elbows only slightly bent) - and back up to the top position without any arm movement? If you can't do that for six to eight repetitions now, but you can do it a few months from now, I'd bet on your pectoral muscles being significantly larger after those few months. Making strict and heavy flye movements into the cornerstone of your chest routine can work wonders for the growth of those muscles.

Besides changing bench pressing movements to a secondary position and flyes to the primary one, I've also accelerated my pectoral gains by splitting my first flye movement into two partial rep exercises. So when I get to the gym to start my chest routine, I head straight to one of those pec/flye machines in which you hold the handles with your arms extended (only a slight bend in the elbows). These are the kind of pec dec machines that are also used for rear deltoid exercises. I adjust the seat on the machine so that a flye movement done on the apparatus will hit squarely in the middle of my pecs.

I then proceed to do two different exercises with this machine; one for my outer pecs and one for the inner. For outer pectorals, I move my arms from the fully outward position to about halfway through the range of a full flye. I do about five to eight sets like this. For inner pecs, I go from about the twenty degrees angle (where I ended my rep for the outer pec movement) to the point where the handles make contact with each other in front of me. I do those for another five to eight sets. When I'm done with these two partial rep exercises, my entire chest is worked and pumped to the max.

It's important to know that working the middle chest muscles actually brings the upper and lower pectorals into play. However, isolating the upper chest with incline movements does not bring the middle or lower chest muscles into play. The same goes for isolating the lower chest with declines; it only works the lower pectorals. Therefore, the most efficient way to begin a chest routine is with an exercise that hits the middle chest. My suggestion is that when you begin your pec workout with the above-mentioned exercise, be sure to adjust the seat so that you're hitting the very center of your chest.

Only when I've sufficiently pre-exhausted my pectorals with the strict performance of these partial-rep flyes do I go on to isolate the upper and lower pecs respectively with three more exercises. These include incline dumbell flyes, Hammer Strength presses, and a decline angled pec deck. I do two exercises for upper pecs in an attempt to slightly over-develop them for better balance; the dumbell flyes and the pressing movement with the Hammer Strength machine. Presses are incredibly more effective for pectoral growth when the pecs have been pre-exhausted with flyes.

If you've been having trouble with pectoral growth, I highly recommend you switch to making flye exercises the foundation of your routine. In addition, split that first exercise of pec deck flyes into two half-rep movements. This will create maximum stress on both the inner and outer pecs - working wonders on both the size and shape of the muscles.

About the Author:

Scott Abbett is the author of HardBody Success: 28 Principles to Create Your Ultimate Body and Shape Your Mind for Incredible Success. To see his personal transformation, visit>

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How To Get Nice Muscle Tone And Build An Attractive Muscular Body

How To Get Nice Muscle Tone And Build An Attractive Muscular Body

Author: Chris Chew

Most people know that they need to lift weight build muscles. However many just want to have nice muscle tone and an attractive but not too muscular body as they do not want big muscles. So they just lift light weights with high repetitions. Well, it is not going to work. To have nice muscle tone, you will have to build some muscles right? So you will have to lift heavy to force your muscles to grow. Once you are satisfied with the size of your muscles, you will then need to cut your body fats for your muscles to show up well and that means nice muscle tone.

You need to have a solid commitment and knowledge to get nice muscle tone and build an attractive muscular body. Here are some muscle building tips. Before you commence weight training, remember to warm up and as well as doing some stretching exercises.

•Train Muscle With Free Weights

Machines will have its uses, but for a start, concentrate on free weights. That means work almost exclusively with barbells and dumb bells. Free weights recruit many stabilizing muscles for balance and control. That means you will work a lot more muscle parts other than the intended ones. That will give rise to little bumps, striations and definitions all over your body instead of one huge lump of muscle on your intended muscle. Because of the extra stimulant created, your muscles grow faster too. Why else do you think all professional body builders almost exclusively use free weights?

•Train With Compound Exercises

Incorporate as many compound exercises as possible to your routines. Compound exercises are exercises that involve 2 or more joint movements. Because they utilize more joints, which means greater muscle mass are involved. Greater muscle mass means heavier weights. Heavier weights mean encouragement of greater muscle growth. More muscle growth means more tone to your muscles.

Some excellent compound exercises are the Squat, Deadlift, Chin ups, Dips, Bench press, Barbell Press, Lunges, Bent-Over Barbell Row...etc.

•Train Intensively But Do Not Over train

You must train intensively for your muscle to grow. Try to do more reps or add more weight than the previous session or else your muscles will think (actually muscles don't think, they adapt), "Ah... we've done that. Nothing new, so no need to grow bigger and stronger." That being the case, you will wreck your chances of attaining an attractive muscular body.

Because of this, it is important that every time you train hard, you give your body time to recover as it has suffered strains and actually sustained many small scarring. Contrary to popular belief, your muscles grow when you rest, especially when you sleep and not in the gym. So sleep at least 8 hours a day. Also, do not train everyday or work the same muscle group more than once or twice a week. If your training was vigorous enough, do no more than an hour per session.

Try not to do cardio work on the same day as your weight lifting work. In fact, during the muscle building phase, you should do less cardio work as aerobic exercises burn muscles. You can increase your cardio work at cutting body fat phase, so as to lose body fat in order for your muscle tone to show up nicely.

•Technique And Form

This is the most neglected fundamental of bodybuilding. Everywhere, everyday, you will see people using wrong forms and techniques. This not only compromises your growth, it will also make you susceptible to injuries... sometimes even permanently putting you out of the gym.

Wrong form occurs usually when people try to lift weights that are too heavy, whether out of vanity or ignorance. As a guide, always lift with strict focus on the muscle you intend to build for that exercise. Feel it contract and extend. Lift the weights deliberately and slowly. Never ever swing your weights up especially when doing bicep curls or the military press.

•To Build Muscles Fast You Must Perform Lower Body Exercises!

This is what most people don't realize. Your lower body makes up 60-70% of your musculature. If you don't train them, not only will you look spider-legged, your entire body will not grow as quickly and as large. Don't think that you can hide those skinny limbs in pants! Most people do not train their legs because squats, dead lifts and lunges can be very grueling exercises. But it is precisely because of such intensity that you will produce more growth hormones when you sleep and overall muscular development is stimulated. Your body shape will also be more balanced and therefore more attractive.

Do read up more to understand how your muscles work and then work on it so that in no time you will be a proud owner of a well tone attractive muscular body.

About the Author:
Chris Chew is a fitness personal trainer of fashion models, actors and male pageant winners.

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How To Get Bigger Arms With Better Triceps

Bigger Arms With Better Triceps Training

Author: Nick Tumminello

If you're anything like me, you're always interested in finding new, and more importantly, better ways of doing things. Well, climb aboard, that's precisely where we're headed.

We're going to cover two things:

1. Simplify very complex physics and mathematics. Don't worry, you won't need a calculator.

2. Transfer the above technical information into practical applications that are guaranteed to instantly improve your arms and many other cable-based exercises.

So if you're currently performing triceps extensions in your program, then read carefully. Because what you're about to learn will drastically improve your arm strength, size and definition.

A Quick Rant on "Research"

There's no opinion based or "one research study showed" material in this article. The information contained has long been proven by the science of physics and mathematics.

There's a huge difference between quoting research and stating that something has been proven by science. Even though research can be scientific, it doesn't mean that the end result will be repeatable. Just think about the many similar research studies that wind up showing drastically different outcomes. Remember, in order for something to be scientifically proven, it must be repeatable.

"Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing." — Albert Einstein

The Dorky Science Stuff

There's a principle of physics and vector mathematics called the Resolution of Forces. When understood and applied to resistance training, this concept can greatly improve your program.

Resolution of Forces is the method of resolving a vector into its components. Any vector which is directed at an angle to the customary coordinate axis can be considered to have two parts. Each part is being directed along one of the axe, either horizontally or vertically. The parts of the single vector are called components and describe the influence of that single vector in that given direction.

Think of a dog being pulled upon by a chain. If the chain is pulled upwards and to the right (Diagonal), then there's a tensional force acting upwards and rightwards upon the dog.

That single force can be resolved into two components: One being directed upwards and the other to the right. Each component describes the effect of that chain in the given direction. The vertical component describes the upward influence of the force upon the dog. The horizontal component describes the rightward influence.

Taking It to the Gym

Now lets think about how triceps extensions are performed with a rope.

Performing a triceps extension with a rope requires the exerciser to gradually spread the rope apart as the movement progresses. Whether you know it or not, this splitting of the rope drastically changes the exercise and the forces involved.

When you use a straight cable bar, the force you exert from both arms is straight down. When you use a rope, things are very different. With the rope, you're no longer pushing straight down. You're now pushing at a diagonal. As we learned by Resolution of Forces, your effort of force is now divided into two parts. One part of your effort is pulling the rope down, while the other part is pulling the rope apart.

It's important to note that the amount of force it takes to spread the rope apart is proportionate to the angle between each side. In other words, the force you have to put out gradually changes as your hands spread.

The Weight Stack Lies

It would seem to be common sense that when holding each side of a rope, you're splitting the resistance in half, equally between both arms. Which would mean that if you put fifty pounds on the weight stack, each arm would be working against twenty-five pounds, right?


Take a look at what happens to the load as the movement progresses, and the ends of the rope are gradually split apart.

Click here here to see a diagram of how the weight changes in relation to the angle of spread.

With 50lbs on the weight stack at 30 degrees of spread each hand exerts 26lbs of force equaling 52lbs of effort to move 50lbs.

At 45 degrees, each hand exerts 27lbs of force. That’s 54lbs of effort.

At 60 degrees of spread each hand has to exert 29lbs, totaling 58lbs of total effort.

As you can clearly see from the above, the force increases as the rope is gradually spread apart. At 30 degrees, it took an extra pound of force from each side. So now it takes 52lbs of effort to move that 50lbs. At 60 degrees of spread, it took four pounds of additional force from each side. Meaning it takes 58lbs of force to move 50lbs.

From 30 to 60 degrees of spread, the force steadily increased, but the change was minimal, and possibly tolerable. However, take a look at what happens when the rope reaches 90 degrees of spread.

At 90 degrees of spread, it takes 35lbs of force from each hand. In other words, 50lbs now feels like 70lbs. This is a much bigger jump than the previous. Now you're exerting almost as much effort outward as you are downward.

Finally, at 120 degrees of spread, it takes 50lbs of effort from each hand. This means you're now exerting a hundred pounds of total force, twice as much as what's on the weight stack.

Use the Force!

If you're reading this and thinking, "Isn't more force a good thing?" Keep in mind that the closer your muscles get to a full contraction, the less force they can exert. You're gradually getting weaker as the resistance is getting heavier. Not good!

This means that if you choose a weight that's correct at the beginning, you'll end up with a weight that's much too heavy at the end. Say hello to poor form, cheating, and increased joint stress.

The Solution

As my father likes to say, "There are no problems, only solutions." So far, I've shown you the problem with using the traditional cable rope. I'm not the type of guy to leave you hanging, so now it's time to provide the solution. If you think I'm going to say stop using a rope and start using a cable bar, you couldn't be more wrong. A rope is always a better choice because it allows for freedom of movement.

So, are you ready?

Use a longer rope!

Alternatively, you can also use two normal ropes:

Yes. It's really that simple. This is a small adjustment that makes for a big difference. It really doesn't matter which option you choose because both strategies achieve the same end result — longer rope ends.

I see you over there scratching your head, wondering how using a longer rope makes things better. Well, I'll tell ya'. Longer rope ends allow for more consistent force throughout the movement. The force is more consistent because the angle between ropes at the end range is greatly reduced. I could take the time to explain this mathematically, but halfway through, you'd already be off checking your email.

Instead, we'll just go over a simple compare and contrast.

A long rope means a small angle:

A short rope leads to a big angle:

With a long rope, the force is more consistent:

However, with a short rope, the force is almost doubled:

Click here to see how much the angle is reduced with a longer rope.

Remember, the smaller the angle, the less the resistance increases.

The beauty of this solution is that you probably already have more than one rope at your facility. If you only have one rope and don't want to buy another one, you can make your own extra long rope very easily with some high quality rope from any nautical supply shop.

And for those of you who are lazy and don't want to buy or make anything at all, you're covered, too. Just perform the exercises unilaterally! This will ensure a more consistent resistance and eliminate the diverging force angles factor completely because there's nothing to separate from.

Problem Solved

I've now shown you a very quick and easy solution to a problem you probably never knew you had. In doing so, I've exposed to you to some simplified mathematics that can, and should, be applied to improve many resistance-training exercises.

If you ignore this new information and stick to the short rope, your shoulders won't explode, and your triceps won't fall off. However, if you're going to do it, do it right

About the Author:

The director of Performance University, Nick Tumminello is a highly sought after coach and educator in the field of human performance enhancement. He is the developer of the Core Bar™ and has authored numerous best selling DVD’s which can be purchased through his website. Nick also serves as the Strength & Conditioning Coach for Team Ground Control MMA. Nick lives in Baltimore MD where he regularly trains his athletes.

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4 Ways to Bulk Up Fast

How to Bulk Up- 4 Ways to Bulk Up Fast

Author: Rory Wilkinson

Despite your best efforts to bulk up, has it still not happened yet? Are you frustrated that even though you work hard at the gym, day in and day out, you still haven’t put on any pounds of muscle? Today I am going to teach you 4 simple ways to bulk up fast, safely and effectively.

If you are not completing these 4 simple steps effectively then you are not going to be able to gain any muscle and build the physique that you want. In other words, if you want to know how to bulk up and bulk up fast, then these 4 steps are crucial.

1. Commitment. It takes a good deal of commitment to follow through with a weights program. But if you want to bulk up fast then this is your only option. Make sure that you life weights 3-4 times a week. No more, no less. After your workout let the muscles heal with protein shakes and rest. A common mistake is to over train. By overtraining, you are not giving your muscles enough time to recover and because of this they cannot grow. If you want to bulk up then commitment and patience is necessary.

2. Stretch! Stretch about half of the time that you lift weights. Stretching helps rebuild the muscles and grows them bigger. If you don’t stretch then you will notice that you will perform worse and you also have a much greater chance of getting hurt. Always remember to stretch if you want to bulk up.

3. Eat well and eat often. If you are trying to bulk up then you want to have a mixed diet of carbohydrates, proteins and fats about 6 times a day. Work on the 45-35-20 rule. That is, to have 45% carbs, 35% proteins and 20% fats.

4. Use the right supplements. Some of the best products to use include powdered creatine, protein powder, multi vitamins and fish oil capsules. Another thing to remember is only use well known products that have passed the test of time. New flashy products come out often and people don’t know what these products could do to your body in future years. Using these products is one of the best ways to bulk up fast.

So now you know how to bulk up and how to bulk up fast. Remember and follow these tips and you will be looking and feeling the way you want to in next to no time.

About the Author:

Discover the Methods that have Helped over 20,000 People from 120 Different Countries Build Muscle Fast, Safely and Effectively. Champion Fitness Icon and Personal Trainer Reveals his Secrets for the First Time Ever. For more details visit

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Quickly Build Massive Chest Muscles - Top 6 Most Effective Exercises

Quickly Build Massive Chest Muscles - Top 6 Most Effective Exercises

Author: Steve Hochman

One of my favorite all time lines from a television sitcom is "Would you rather have rock hard pecks or saggy man breast?" Well think about it, which would you rather have? Men aren't supposed to have breast so let's figure out how to get rid of those saggy man breast and build some rock hard pecks and massive chest muscles.

Follow these top 6 exercises to build your chest muscles and in no time you will have massive and impressive chest muscles.

Tip 1: Do not lock your elbows when you are at the top of the movement as this can put excessive strain on your joint. Keep elbows slightly bent.

1. Bench Press - This is an exercise that allows you to lift the most weight and is very popular in gyms. Unfortunately many people perform them incorrectly which results in a number of injuries.

Start by lying on the bench face up with your feet flat floor. Keep your abdominal muscles tightened so that your lower back is flat and protected. Keep your shoulder blades pinched together and focus pushing the barbell towards the ceiling with your chest muscles. Then slowly lower the weights back to the beginning position; do not let your upper arms go past the point where they are parallel to the floor as you can damage the shoulders.

Tip 2: Lifting the weight should be fast 1-2 seconds and lowering about 3 seconds. Much of the muscle building power of resistance exercises comes from performing this technique. So once you have lifted the weight, don't waste the rest of the exercise and just drop it.

2. Seated Chest Press - Very much like the bench press with the exception that you will be using a weight machine for this exercise. Because of using a machine this exercise is a bit safer than a normal bench press.

Adjust the seat for your height so the handles are level to the middle of your chest muscles. Focus on you chest muscles and squeeze as you push the handles forward. Slowly bring the handles back just to the point where the weights are about to touch weight stack (don't let it touch), then push back out again and repeat.

3. Dumbbell Flies - This exercise is very similar to the bench press and safer for those that do not have a spotter. It is also an exercise that forces you to use stabilizer muscles to keep the dumbbells under control.

Lie on the bench and hold the dumbbells out to your sides making sure to keep your elbows slightly bent. Now move the weights up in an arcing motion over your chest, then lower back to starting position and repeat.

Tip 3: Dumbbell flies will build the inner chest giving it a clear separation.

4. Cable Crossovers - This exercise is similar in motion to the dumbbell flies, the difference here is that cable crossovers keep tension on the pectoral muscles throughout the motion.

Stand with the pulleys locked into a position above your head, take a pulley into each hand and pull down so that you are now in a "T" shape. Standing with one foot in front of the other focus on the chest muscles as you bring your arms together in front of you. Hold this position for a second, then slowly release.

Tip 4: You should lower the weights with control so that it takes about 3 seconds to return to the starting position.

5. Pushups - A great way of working the chest muscles as well as the arms and building core strength. You also don't need any equipment to do this exercise.

Get down on the floor on your hands and knees, place your hands just a further than shoulder width. Now straighten your legs and push your feet up onto your toes, keeping your body straight. Bend your elbows and lower into the pushup position. Push back up to the beginning plank position and repeat.

Tip 5: Make sure to keep your head and neck in alignment with the rest of your body through the movement. Hold your stomach in tight to support your back and if you feel the need for support then you can do a modified pushup by placing your knees on the floor.

6. Straight Arm Pull Overs - This exercise is great for building the pectoral muscles and expanding the rib cage.

Lie on your shoulder crossways on a mat so that your head is hanging. Hold a dumbbell with both hands over your chest and slowly lower in back over your head in an arcing motion, then raise it to the starting position and repeat.

Always remember to help avoid injury, before doing any exercises you should stretch your muscles and be warmed up. You should also stretch the muscles after working out as resistance training tends to shorten the muscles and you want to avoid this. A good way of stretching these muscles is to hang from a bar to stretch your entire body. The weight of your body will act as weight and you will feel a stretch in your chest muscles.

About the Author:

Steve Hochman is the founder and CEO of Next Level Fitness. O.C.'s fastest way for you to get fit.
Personal Trainer Orange County Ca, Irvine Personal Training, Weight Loss
Personal Trainer Orange County Ca, Irvine Personal Training, weight Loss

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3 Easy Steps to An Incredible 6 Pack Fast

3 Easy Steps to An Incredible 6 Pack Fast

Author: Frank Sherrill

Are you still looking for your 6 pack?

Well follow this nutritional program and you'll be able to drop 2 or

more pounds per week for 6 to 8 weeks!

Next Stop Abs.

Getting ripped fast requires drastic cuts in carbs, dietary fat and of course, your calories.

You'll need to steer clear of all oils, butter or fried foods and

keep your carbs under 50 grams a day!

Yes 50 grams-this is a turbocharged fat-loss plan!

Protein intake must go up when you're cutting carbs, fats and

calories. Keep your protein intake high.

Using this approach, you'll quickly drop a lot of body fat. The downside is that your energy levels can tank, leaving you unable to train if you're not used to a low-carb diet.

The Solution.

Breaking down the weeks into 3... 3 distinct diet phases during each of the 6 to 8 weeks of the program

Phase 1

·Days: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

·Carbs: less than 50 grams per day

·Protein: 2 grams per pound of bodyweight

·Cardio: 20 to 30 minutes at low level intensity every day.

During this phase the carbs are kept very low. All the carbs should be eaten after your workout to minimize protein breakdown that happens after training.

If for example you weight 200 lbs you need to take in 400 grams of

protein. The cardio is done merely to coax the body into giving up more of the stored fat.

Phase 2

·Days: Thursday and Friday

·Carbs: 100 to 150 grams per day

·Protein: 105. to 1.75 grams per pound of bodyweight

·Cardio: 40 minutes interval training each day

You would think that the extreme approach taken in phase 1 would do the trick to melt the fat. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. Strict dieting will lead to poor muscle recovery and flat muscles.

When muscles are flat the body can appear to be fatter. That's where

this phase comes in.

The additional carbs assists in glycogen recovery and prevent the

reserves from being drained.

When glycogen levels are low you will appear to be fatter and your

muscle will not recover as quickly. On these days split your carbs as follows:

1. 30-40 g in morning

2. 20-35 g preworkout

3. 50-75 post workout

With the extra carbs you'll be able to train and do cardio harder. I recommend alternating the cardio between going hard for 2 to 3 minutes and then using a much lower intensity for 2 to 3 minutes. Continue this pattern fir the full 40 minutes of cardio.

This interval training will kick up your metabolism Best time for

cardio in this phase is in the morning on an empty stomach.

Phase 3

·Days: Saturday and Sunday

·Carbs: 2 grams per pound of bodyweight

·Protein: 1 gram per pound of bodyweight

·Cardio: none take the time off

These are the easier days. Carbs go up and protein comes down.

Will there it is following this program will have you ripped in 6 to 8 weeks.

Figure out your menu; eat clean sources of food, chicken breast, and

tuna. Lean ground beef and other choices. You can figure in a protein supplement just make sure it isn't high in carbs.

But most of all enjoy your newly found 6 pack!

About the Author:

Frank Sherrill, is a former U.S. Army Ranger and Martial Arts expert. To learn more about the building muscle and the

Bullworker go to Isometric Training and receive a free muscle building ebook.

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

P90x Workout Routine and Fitness System

P90x Workout Routine and Fitness System

Author: Derek Cladek

P90X is a revolutionary method in achieving the lean body every person desires, and you can easily find this type of program directly online. A person may be feeling out of shape or desiring a more perfect tone for his or her body type, P90X could be the workout program everyone is looking for. This type of course is designed for men as well as women and is extremely difficult. Don’t be discouraged if you are a woman as this workout routine is made for both men and women. The curriculum for the P90X system is simple to understand and in a few days a person will be able to see an improved difference to their health and muscle mass. Everyone can obtain what P90X offers without much strain on the body, but it will take effort. Like any workout routine, it will take time and energy to complete the entire system. Most people start a workout routine or buy a gym membership but tend to lose motivation as time goes by. With P90X you will be doing multiple workout routines, so your workout will never get boring. There are several locations on the Internet that can assist a person in signing up and beginning right away. The P90X system may be the most intense workout that a person has ever experienced; however, by following the system you will receive a leaner, more toned body and muscles in a matter of a few days.

With the P90X system you will receive various guides and informational tools to assist you in achieving the ultimate body of your dreams. You will get 3 guides which will be helpful in maintaining food intake, workout procedures and a video to assist anyone in getting the most out of this program. The P90X system will give you 12 workout techniques designed for multiple performances, these exercises range from weight training, to pull-ups, to new stretching techniques. The P90X program has it all to assist a person in gaining the body they dream of and keeping the shape they desire. An individual will only need to workout for an hour or two a day to receive the maximum benefits that the P90X program gives to their consumers. You most likely have never seen an exercise system like the P90X system before. This technique not only works the abs but every other muscle in the body as well. The P90X program will define and enhance the perfect body for a man or a woman.

Finding information about P90X is easy since many people who use the system also have blogs about it. You can do a search and read about the successes of others who have been doing P90X for the past few months and see pictures of their results. If the person uses the informational tools and exercises every single day, they will see an improvement in a matter of a week. This program is designed for overweight individuals as well as for the people who just need to keep in shape. P90X is perfect to loose weight and to begin to feel fantastic. This program is also designed for a person who would like to tone their muscles and define their abs.

About the Author:

Ultimate Fitness Gear is a website that provides more information on PX90 workout routines, PX90 supplements, and PX90 chin up bars.

Ultimate Fitness Gear is a website that provides more information on P90X workout programs, and also other workout routines. Our articles will show you ways to shape your body and tone your abs, read more on our site.

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Thigh Exercises For Women

Thigh Exercises For Women

Author: Nitin Chhoda

For women, shaping the muscles of the thighs is an important fitness goal. A shapely lower body is considered very feminine, and the right proportion of the waist to the hips is part of the equation. It's surprising, but true, thigh toning exercises can be done at home, without equipment and results can be seen in 4-6 weeks. Also, did you know that thigh and hip toning gadgets are not required if you know which exercises work, and how to do them. Most importantly, thigh exercises are most effective when combined with aerobic exercise and a healthy diet.

This means that women must not only do the right thigh exercises, but also include aerobic exercise and sound nutrition to get best results. The following exercises are the most effective front thigh exercises for women. The routine also includes inner thigh and rear thigh exercises.

For best results, start with 15-20 repetitions and one set. Increase gradually to 2 sets. Complete the routine at least 2 times a week for best results. This is an effective beginner to intermediate toning program. Please remember that these numbers are general guidelines only. For an optimum program tailored to your needs, please consult a certified personal trainer. If you have any injuries or medical ailments, please obtain a physicians clearance before starting any exercise program.

Wall Squat: Front Thigh Exercise.

Starting Position: – Place your upper back against a smooth wall. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, toes pointed slightly outward. Distribute your body weight equally between both feet and lean back against the wall. Movement: – Inhale, keeping your heels in contact with the floor at all times, slowly lower into a squat position while sliding down the wall. Exhale as you slowly straighten your legs, keeping your head and chest up, returning to the starting position. Repeat as required.

Standing Dumbbell Squats: Front Thigh Exercise.

Starting Position:- Hold a dumbbell in each hand and allow them to hang down at your sides. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, toes pointed slightly outward. Distribute your body weight equally between both feet. Movement:- Inhale, keeping your heels in contact with the floor at all times, slowly lower into a squat position. Exhale as you slowly straighten your legs, keeping your head and chest up, returning to the starting position. Repeat as required. 5 lb dumbbells work well, but you can start with 2 lbs and then work your way up to 5 lbs within 3-5 weeks.

Lunges: Front Thigh Exercise.

Starting Position: – Assume a standing position with your feet slightly less than shoulder width apart. Grasp a barbell with a wider than shoulder width grip and place it across your shoulders. Movement: – Inhale, keeping your back vertical and slightly arched, slowly step forward with one leg making a long stride, lowering your body down slowly until your rear knee lightly touches the floor (if you cannot go as low as this, then work your way up to it over 2-3 weeks). Exhale and shift your weight backwards, taking one step (or 2-3 small steps if that sounds difficult) to return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. Remember to consult your doctor before this or any other knee exercises if you have had any knee trouble!

Lying Face Down: Front Thigh Stretch.

Starting Position: Lie on your stomach on a matt with your legs together. Movement: Reach behind you and grasp your right ankle with your left hand. Pull your right heel up as far as you can. Hold this position for thirty seconds. Repeat as required on other side. Please remember to hold for 10 seconds for this stretch.

Seated Split Stretch: Inner Thigh Stretch.

Starting Position: Sit on an exercise matt and spread your legs as far as you can. Movement: Lean to your right side and reach for your toes. Rest your hands on your toes or at your ankle. Hold this position for thirty seconds. Repeat as required on other side.

Seated Butterfly: Inner Thigh Exercise.

Starting Position: Sit on an exercise matt with your back straight. Movement: Bring the soles of your feet together and pull them in as close to your body as you can. Allow your hands to rest on your feet or to apply light pressure to your thighs. Hold this position for thirty seconds. Hold this position for 10 seconds. You will find this most effective if you gently push your knees down using your hands, be careful not to push too much.

Seated Hip Twist: Outer Thigh And Rear Thigh Exercise.

Starting Position: Sit on an exercise matt with your legs straight out in front of you. Movement: Bend your right knee and place your right foot over your left leg. Wrap your arms around your right knee and gently pull it in towards your left shoulder. Hold this position for thirty seconds. Repeat as required on other side. Remember to hold for 10 seconds.

Lying Leg Pull: Total Thigh Exercise.

Starting Position: Lie on your back on an exercise matt with your knees in the air and feet flat on the floor. Movement: Bring your right heel to rest on your left thigh. Loop your hands around your left thigh and pull it towards your chest. Hold this position for thirty seconds. Repeat as required on other side. Remember to hold for 10 seconds in each set.

About the Author:
For more information and to register for free diet plans and grocery lists, visit , for exercises for women, visit and to train with Nitin, visit

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How To Get Nice Muscle Tone

How To Get Nice Muscle Tone And Build An Attractive Muscular Body

Author: Chris Chew

Most people know that they need to lift weight build muscles. However many just want to have nice muscle tone and an attractive but not too muscular body as they do not want big muscles. So they just lift light weights with high repetitions. Well, it is not going to work. To have nice muscle tone, you will have to build some muscles right? So you will have to lift heavy to force your muscles to grow. Once you are satisfied with the size of your muscles, you will then need to cut your body fats for your muscles to show up well and that means nice muscle tone.

You need to have a solid commitment and knowledge to get nice muscle tone and build an attractive muscular body. Here are some muscle building tips. Before you commence weight training, remember to warm up and as well as doing some stretching exercises.

•Train Muscle With Free Weights

Machines will have its uses, but for a start, concentrate on free weights. That means work almost exclusively with barbells and dumb bells. Free weights recruit many stabilizing muscles for balance and control. That means you will work a lot more muscle parts other than the intended ones. That will give rise to little bumps, striations and definitions all over your body instead of one huge lump of muscle on your intended muscle. Because of the extra stimulant created, your muscles grow faster too. Why else do you think all professional body builders almost exclusively use free weights?

•Train With Compound Exercises

Incorporate as many compound exercises as possible to your routines. Compound exercises are exercises that involve 2 or more joint movements. Because they utilize more joints, which means greater muscle mass are involved. Greater muscle mass means heavier weights. Heavier weights mean encouragement of greater muscle growth. More muscle growth means more tone to your muscles.

Some excellent compound exercises are the Squat, Deadlift, Chin ups, Dips, Bench press, Barbell Press, Lunges, Bent-Over Barbell Row...etc.

•Train Intensively But Do Not Over train

You must train intensively for your muscle to grow. Try to do more reps or add more weight than the previous session or else your muscles will think (actually muscles don't think, they adapt), "Ah... we've done that. Nothing new, so no need to grow bigger and stronger." That being the case, you will wreck your chances of attaining an attractive muscular body.

Because of this, it is important that every time you train hard, you give your body time to recover as it has suffered strains and actually sustained many small scarring. Contrary to popular belief, your muscles grow when you rest, especially when you sleep and not in the gym. So sleep at least 8 hours a day. Also, do not train everyday or work the same muscle group more than once or twice a week. If your training was vigorous enough, do no more than an hour per session.

Try not to do cardio work on the same day as your weight lifting work. In fact, during the muscle building phase, you should do less cardio work as aerobic exercises burn muscles. You can increase your cardio work at cutting body fat phase, so as to lose body fat in order for your muscle tone to show up nicely.

•Technique And Form

This is the most neglected fundamental of bodybuilding. Everywhere, everyday, you will see people using wrong forms and techniques. This not only compromises your growth, it will also make you susceptible to injuries... sometimes even permanently putting you out of the gym.

Wrong form occurs usually when people try to lift weights that are too heavy, whether out of vanity or ignorance. As a guide, always lift with strict focus on the muscle you intend to build for that exercise. Feel it contract and extend. Lift the weights deliberately and slowly. Never ever swing your weights up especially when doing bicep curls or the military press.

•To Build Muscles Fast You Must Perform Lower Body Exercises!

This is what most people don't realize. Your lower body makes up 60-70% of your musculature. If you don't train them, not only will you look spider-legged, your entire body will not grow as quickly and as large. Don't think that you can hide those skinny limbs in pants! Most people do not train their legs because squats, dead lifts and lunges can be very grueling exercises. But it is precisely because of such intensity that you will produce more growth hormones when you sleep and overall muscular development is stimulated. Your body shape will also be more balanced and therefore more attractive.

Do read up more to understand how your muscles work and then work on it so that in no time you will be a proud owner of a well tone attractive muscular body.

About the Author:
Chris Chew is a fitness personal trainer of fashion models, actors and male pageant winners.

Male Pageant Winners and
Personal Trainer Courses

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How To Be A Celebrity

The Secret Of Celebrity Success

Author: Silveral

Who do you admire? Why does the world take notice of them and not us? Do they have a common way to become a winner in their field? If so then what is the secret formula?


Winning celebrities all have a clear vision a guiding purpose a light at the end of their tunnel that keeps them going day after day on their path. These celebrities get what they want because they know exactly what they want. They can feel and sense it, they experience it in their minds and their hearts. They can see it in their minds eye and describe it as if it were there already there. Conversely most of us think that we will be laughed at, if we talk about what we want, we become afraid of looking foolish and stupid, instead we dare not to dream! Try to take a risk today and dream of your North Star, let it guide you on your path.


Celebrity Winners have another big secret. They surround themselves with winners. They find people that want them to win. They know that if you surround yourself with a core of talent then that talent can be focused. Top Celebrities find and develop a team to help them, a human ship with the celebrity at the helm. Winning celebrities acknowledge that cannot do everything themselves so they find and complement their talents with a good team to help move them on. They find team members who are successful in their own fields. Such a team may consist of , accountants, lawyers, publicist, and managers, make up artists, writers, producers and fitness/life coaches.

Aims for Life

Just like a business has a business plan, winning celebrities have a clear plan that they follow. They know what to do and when to do it with uncanny timing. However, they do this because it is in their plan. They are implementing this plan day after day. It may not be as formulaic at a timeline or a map but their own life plans works just as well for them. It shows the steps they have to take on life's journey to get them to their destination. Such a plan may be drawn up with the team supporting the celebrity. Each plan starts out small with baby steps. This ensures early success. As the celebrity becomes accustomed to their map and the steps, then more momentum is built up. This plan is nearly always written down. You often see these winners carrying a diary or a some sort or a flow chart that shows them were they are on their journey in life. I am not suggesting that you create a business plan for your life but rather create a written strategy that keeps you on your path and prevents you taking detours. With such a plan in place it is a case of following the plan and taking one planed step at a time.

Priorities and Goals

With a plan in place winning celebrities often organize themselves with hierarchical things to do. They are the type of people that get organized and have a sense of what has to be done first. They have a knack of knowing what is important and what is fluff. If a higher priority is being ignored they can drop everything a allocate their resources to priority one. Priority two, three and four are put to one side for later attention. If they find they are distracted with meaningless unimportant work they will stop what they are doing and get back to their top priority and get back to the plan and work on that priority and nothing else. Sometimes an even higher priority takes over e.g. your child gets sick at school, or you are suddenly involved in some sort of emergency on the highway. These things happen and winning celebrities deal with them quickly and efficiently. They then get back to their highest priority on their plan.


Winning Celebrities do not have room in their lives for denial, fitful fancies or fiction. They often deal with life like a child, in the moment, dealing with life as it comes day to day. Rather than setting themselves up for a fall by deluding themselves with impossible dreams they rely on what is do-able, and ignore what in not. When criticized as we all are they do not become defensible rather they absorb the input and feedback and treat it not as an attack on them but as away to improve. At the same time they are able to distinguish what feedback is useful and what is trash. Winning Celebrities know what they can do and what they cannot do because they remain truthful to themselves. No kidding and accepting impossible challenges. They just do their thing to the best of their ability. Their attitude is if I know the problems, then I can plan to deal with them.


Celebrities who consistently win sometimes take what I call missteps. Not mistakes but missteps. Just like a marathon runner who takes a wrong turn, winning celebrities acknowledge the error and self correct to get back on track. They do not waste time saying that they are a failure and get all upset about the misstep. Instead they get on with fixing the mistake, or misstep. These winning celebrities like the marathon runner who takes a misstep and goes the wrong way, they just let it go and carry on, getting back on track in the right direction. One step at a time. If they their path is blocked then like a marathathon runner who has come up against a hole in the ground, then they find a new path around the problem and carry on.


Winning celebrities who play to win always have a deep passion about what they are doing. Once focused they become excited about what they are doing. They get energized and eager to get on with taking the steps of their chosen path. To them it is the pursuit of the chosen goal that excites them. It does not become a job or another day at work it becomes their very existence. They are having fun. They can't wait to get to work the next day for this is who they are, this is what they are, and this is them. They love what they do and do what they love. They have a purpose, a passion a dream that they are living one step at a time day by day.


Celebrities are consistent winners who are willing to take risks. Do not misunderstand, this does not mean that they are foolhardy and reckless. This means that they take calculated risks. They go out of their comfort zone in order to succeed at new challenges. They take the plunge into the unknown. They leave behind the safe world of mundane existence and venture forth as pioneers in their field. They are they explores of life trying out new things. They find new ways to do what has been done before. They realize that people become legacy bound. "It's they way we have always operated our business" someone might say. A winning celebrity will answer. Can we do this any other way? Can we do the opposite? Can we change? They go against the crowd mentality, for that is where no one has been before. Warren Buffet made his fortune by daring to invest his money when others were fleeing the markets, he bought when prices were low. He knew prices would come back someday and he was rewarded for the risk he took. Likewise J.K. Rowling dared to write seven books about a child wizard, not one book like others would have done but seven books. The result was that Book publishers fought over this unknown authoress who scribbled in a cafe. Who could have thought that a totally unknown stranger could write a play script for a violent film and then make and star in it himself. Sylvester Stalone did just that when he wrote the script for Rocky. All of these celebrities have dared to take risks others would shy away from, they stepped out of the comfort zone and became winners as a result.


Winning Celebrities always take action. Because these people are not afraid of risk and because they have a do-able plan they are certain of their path. How many of us procrastinate and talk of what could be done. Winning celebrities get on because they do not procrastinate, they are just working their plan and prioritizing. Just like the Nike slogan, they "Just do it". The action that they take is not one off. Instead it is consistent and relentless, day in day out. They remain focused even if their initial actions fail to get results. This is because they know that in society rewards are not given up lightly. The winning celebrities mantra is if one action does the job great, but if it takes ten actions then fair enough. How many of us believe in the once in a lifetime action to fix all our woes. The Beatles did not write hit song after hit song as many people believe, instead between the band members, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Star and George Harrison they wrote and recorded almost 365 songs. Not 20-30 top ten hits as most people believe. The Beatles new they would be successful if they just kept on schedule.

In fact Paul McCartney kept a daily journal; in which he would write down what he was going to do that day. This was on top of all the other stuff like concerts and sound recordings. The work ethic was relentless, the rest is history.

Self Ruling

Winning celebrities know that the most important resource they have is themselves. Winning celebrities actively manage their physical, emotional, and mental well-being as they know how important such things are. They keep their life in balance, not becoming workaholics. They keep themselves from burnout as much as they can. The ones who do not are the ones who fall by the wayside and become another has been. Although I've said they all have an important passion that drives them on they also know how to keep this life passion in check. Winning celebrities will not languish in a job that is dead end, or stay in a sick and draining relationship. They take care of number one first, because it is they who are the one who gets the results they desire. They only get such results if they are complete in health both mentally and physically, not high on drugs or alcohol because they worked themselves into the ground. How many sixty year olds can run around a stage like Mick Jagger if they are not fit?


All of these qualities sound too much to some then tough. If you are one of those people who just gives up then I'm sorry you just will not amount to much in life. You are driftwood a loss going with the flow. If this sounds uncomfortable then that is great because you have just taken the first step and acknowledged your anger and realized you can be better. The great thing is that we all can have these winning strategies if we take the time to understand hoe to apply them to our own life. We to can become winners within our own field of expertise. Celebrities are just like you and me they do not have a monopoly on life skills nor do you. The very same skills can be found all around us. Try looking at school teachers, doctors, community workers and the countless others that do their thing. Following their chosen paths. One day they to will be great! Maybe you already do some of the things outlined above, then great.

About the Author:
Silveral Celebrity Observer.

Article Source:

Monday, January 26, 2009

How To Make A Girl Fall In Love With You

How To Make A Girl Fall In Love With You

Author: Vlad Karl

Let's get started. Getting a girl of your dreams is much like getting the car of your dream. But unlike a car which you can always bargain for, there is nothing like a 20 percent discount in courting the girl of your dreams, she's so sweet a thing to be discounted, you dearly are in love with her and your feelings for her can only be communicated not by the words of the mouth, but by the words of the heart. Getting the girl actually depends on how big your heart is - faint heart, never won fair lady.

The first dating idea for any man is to make a good impression. In your doing so, you don't have to talk, dress or do the common things that all the Toms do to get a decent girl's attention. Be unique, that's all you need. Be a man of his own style. Dress decently - indecency can make one be mistaken for arrogance; watch your language - obscene language gives the impression of immaturity, being uncultured and cheap; be a man of good habits - don't drink or smoke like any other loser.

How to make her fall in love with you? Take your time. Add some romance to your dating style. When in College I had a crush on the most beautiful lady in our first year lot. Though all senior guys were out to get that girl, I managed to divert her attention from the other guys. I wrote her three letters without disclosing my identity and slid into her room secretly; all I said was 'Yours Secret Admirer.' The first letter contained the meaning of her name, this I got by playing around with the initials of her name to make meaning. The second was a funny message that could only be read backwards and it was all about her physique and her smartness. In the third letter I told the girl to be ready to receive a rose flower from her admirer, but only if she could be kind enough to phone him using a number that I had included in the letter. The girl did phone me that very night, and her first words to me were, "Hallo Secret Admirer." So, the story of our love affair came to be. Later she told me that was so creative of me, no one had approached her in that manner. I made her fall in love with me and made a date in the romantic manner.

Befriending and understanding the girl you are out to get is the next important thing. This is what I also did. You have to understand that as a lady, she loves to be loved, adores to be adored and needs to be needed. This will move you closer to the girl and you'll get to know what she's into, what she likes and dislikes, and what her style is. Love is built upon friendship and it always leaves individuals better off having known each other should they break up. I and my College steady were to break some time later but to date, we are the best of buddies. Be sure that bringing out the selflessness friend in you will make her create room for you in her heart.

A shoulder to lean on and some good friend that she can always turn to is all that a lady wants. Please don't hesitate to be helpful and supportive. Be that friend who rekindles her zeal of hardworking and restoring hope back into her life when she looses hope. This above all other things will make you her daily vitamin simply because you bring out the best in her in terms of personality and character. In you, she'll have found that friend whom she can open up to, share with and advice each other on the rights and wrongs, the dos and don'ts of life. Don't forget to always be there to celebrate the good times, and to lend an ear when the girl needs you to listen as a friend.

Make the girl feel special; because she's someone's friend - your friend, and let her know that she too has touched your life in a unique way like no one else could. Compliment her for her company and for being there when you needed her, when you felt sad and all alone. Show appreciations for the comfort the girl offers you and for making you smile.

In your day to day talks, share your dreams, your world, and every aspect of your life with your girl. Always dream with her, build with her, and always cheer her on and encourage her. Tell your girl how you always think about her even when you try not to think about her. Let the girl know that she's your first thing in the morning and the last thing when you go to bed at night.

Her knowing that you were thinking of her when you slipped beneath the softness of your blanket and gave in to the bliss of sweet dreams, will make her go 'my my' and her heart will sing your name all the year round.

You have to be creative and constructive to keep girl's interest in you so full of life. I remember one time I told my girlfriend to be to imagine we are both deaf and dump. We then sat opposite each other on the table and started sharing our feelings for each other using eyes and hand signs. It turned out to be some fun. There was also this time that we were in the library and we decided we are not going to speak to each other verbal, so I wrote a love note on a paper and passed it across the table to her, she replied and on and on we carried on our love on paper conversation till we almost exhausted a whole rim of paper. At sometime, I noticed that some guys sited with us on the table were enjoying our ordeal than their studies. Such are the things that made the girl embrace my world. I remember her suggesting that we play deaf and dump two years after we broke up, can you imagine that?

Never fail to phone her, even when she least expects it. I once called some girl that I was interested in at four o'clock in the morning. When inquiring of what I was doing up so early, I told her I was in thirteenth heaven, where people think of their loved ones when they can't sleep. Wow! First thing early the next morning, she was at my door with a king-sized hug for me. No matter how many dates you take her, don't make any elbow - exceeding moves after any date, just drop her home and with a friendly handshake, wish her good night. Don't kiss her when she expects you to. Your respect as a gentleman will be earned on how patient you are with her when it comes to such matters as kissing her and accessing her inner graces.

The writing is on the wall that you want her, but you can't have her just yet. Increase your demand. Try to show her that men are also hard to get at times. Make her realize that when she feels a little dizzy, a little tired, a little sad, a little sick, a lot bored and very much cold, she's actually missing vitamin you. By this time, she'll be so much into you and since love is truthful and is characterized by open and honest communication, honestly promise her your everlasting devotion, loyalty, respect, and your unconditional love for a lifetime. Prove to her that you'll always be there for her, to listen and to hold her hand, and that you'll always do your best to make her happy, and feel loved.

Remember, patience is the key to her heart; be like that gardener watching a fruit as it hangs on the tree, day after day admiring it, but, exercising tremendous self-discipline, neither feeling the fruit, nor pinching it, nor testing it to see if it is ready. And then, one day he holds out his hand and the fruit simply drops into it, ripe, warm and eager to be eaten.

The patience and self-control which you practice will make you more attractive and charming. This will qualify you as her daily vitamin and win you that heart hers.

I wish you to meet the girl of your dreams ASAP, make her fall in love with you, and make her feel the happiest girl in the world!

About the Author:

A writer Vlad Karl maintains a dating, friendship and love relationship columns on

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